The mission of The International Academy of Endodontics is to improve the oral health of the public by promoting the highest quality of non-commercial endodontic and scientific continuing education for its membership. .......our members seek out speakers from many areas in biology, medicine and dentistry who are exceptional leaders in their field. The goal of the meeting is to provide advanced knowledge and understanding, to give inspiration through basic science and clinical leadership, and to provide serious mentorship for all attendees.
March 2 (Members Meeting for IAE Members only), 2023
March 3-4 (Scientific Program for All Attendees), 2023
Click here to go to the IAE Meeting page for more details
Highlights of Speakers and Topics
Long Essay Presentations
Arturo Casadevall, MD, PhD, MS
Ditch the term pathogen
Virulence is a microbial property that is expressed only in a susceptible host. This raises interesting evolutionary questions. For example: why are some microbes pathogenic while the majority are harmless? Are pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes different? How does virulence emerge in environmental microbes pathogenic despite that have no need for their hosts? The talk will discuss the problem of mixed infections which characterize many oral infectious diseases. In addition, there will be a focus on the fungal kingdom, with its tremendous diversity, which provides insight into potential answers. Of the more than 1.5 million fungal species only about 150-300 are pathogenic for humans, and of these, only 10-15 are relatively common pathogens. In contrast to the paucity of fungal pathogens of mammals, fungi are major pathogens for plants and insects. Analysis of thermal tolerance in fungi suggests that vertebrate endothermy and homeothermy create a restricted environment for most fungal species. Hence, the combination of vertebrate adaptive immunity with endothermy probably accounts for the remarkable resistance of mammals to fungi. Dr. Casadevall will present the hypothesis that fungal diseases contributed to both the extinctions at the end of the cretaceous that resulted in the demise of the dinosaurs and to the great mammalian radiation that followed in the tertiary era. Finally, the seminar will consider possible consequences of climate change, which include the emergence of new fungal diseases as fungal species adapt to a warmer world.
Arturo Casadevall is a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology and Infectious Diseases at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and the Alfred and Jill Sommer Professor and Chair of the W. Harry Feinstone Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease research, with a focus on fungal and bacterial pathogenesis and basic immunology of antibody structure-function. He was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 2022. He received his M.S., Ph.D. and M.D. from New York University. Prior to joining Johns Hopkins, he served as director of the Center for Immunological Sciences at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Dr. Casadevall’s work has been recognized with numerous awards, including the American Society for Microbiology Founders Distinguished Service Award, the National Institutes of Health Merit Award and the Rhoda Benham Award from Medical Mycology Society of America.

Nate Lawson, DMD, PhD
Updates in adhesive dentistry and dental ceramics for an endodontist
90% of crowns and bridges are now fabricated from a ceramic material according to a report from one of the largest US dental laboratories. Ceramic materials do not handle the same as metal-based restorations and improper handling can lead to premature failure. This course will teach you the differences between the contemporary ceramic materials and techniques to more efficiently remove, access, polish or adjust them. This course will also review adhesive bonding for the applications of restoring endodontic access preparations in ceramic crowns or bonding to tooth structure for build-ups following the endodontic treatment.
Shimon Friedman, DMD (Prof. Emeritus)
Contemporary Endodontic Treatment Outcomes Explained
The rapid increase in outcome studies, use of various outcome terminologies, and inconsistent results have all combined to obscure the actual outcomes of contemporary endodontic treatment modalities. This is confusing to clinicians, and it may act to skew treatment decisions.
To navigate the existing ambiguity, it is necessary to consider the main purposes and stakeholders of treatment outcomes, and the explicit outcome goals that may be set by informed individual patients. This perspective forms the basis for structured methodological appraisal of all published studies, to select those that comprise the CURRENT BEST EVIDENCE for each treatment modality. The longer-term, pertinent outcomes reported in the current best evidence studies are then summarized and effectively communicated to inform treatment decisions.
Following the above strategy, this lecture will highlight the outcomes of endodontic treatment in regard to periapical health, symptom-free function, and survival/retention, based on the current best evidence. Outcome predictors supported by the current best evidence may also be listed.

Ashley Hoders, DMD, MS
When the Root is the Problem! Cemental Tears: Diagnosis, Treatment Planning, and Management
Developing the most appropriate treatment plan is based on a correct diagnosis. A cemental tear is a local factor that can present a diagnostic challenge that translates into a treatment planning dilemma. When a cemental tear diagnosis can be made, treatment strategies can include extraction, a regenerative approach, and interdisciplinary management. Which patients and which teeth are most susceptible? When is it most predictable to pursue tooth retention and what is the best strategy? What tooth replacement options are predictable if extraction is indicated?
Jean-Pierre Albouy, DDS, MS, PhD
Implants, a paradigm shift in treatment planning
Dental implants have been widely utilizing data regarding their outcomes. In recent years, however, peri-implantitis has been defined as a complication.
We will present what takes place around implants with peri-implantitis, and discuss its prevalence and its risks factors. We will compare it to periodontitis and discuss whether or not peri-implantitis is a more severe disease then periodontitis. Based on the available scientific background, we will propose a paradigm shift in the treatment plan of certain implant cases.
Yoshihiro Goto, DDS, MSD
Restorative management of Endo-treated compromised Anterior tooth
Management of endodontically treated teeth has been discussed for decades. Especially, restoring severely compromised tooth structure situations is having many clinical complications and the long-term prognosis is questionable.
Since clinicians have various dowel and core restorative materials, the clinical guideline for selecting appropriate restorative material is essential for the long-term prognosis. This presentation provides the clinical recommendation for selecting dowel and core restorative materials and the modern concept of treatment planning, based on numerous published literature and the presenter’s own research and clinical experiences.
Vince Kokich Jr, , DMD, MSD
Orthodontic Failures: Oversight, Under-treatment, or Communication Breakdown?
Orthodontists have become an integral part of the interdisciplinary team. Today many adult patients require orthodontic treatment to facilitate their ultimate restorative plan. By establishing a proper orthodontic foundation with ideal tooth position and a well-interdigitated occlusion, the future restorative work typically becomes more predictable. However, the unfortunate reality is that this isn’t always the case. Occasionally, following the completion of orthodontic treatment, a patient may return to the dentist with a less than ideal tooth position and a marginal occlusal result, both of which can significantly impact the successful completion of the comprehensive plan. The question is – why? Is this simply an oversight by a normally “good” orthodontist?, incomplete treatment by perhaps a “disinterested” orthodontist?, or is it the result of poor communication within the interdisciplinary team? Dr. Kokich will answer these questions while emphasizing the importance of planning, communication, and proper sequencing when treating the complex orthodontic patient.

Nitish Surathu, BDS, MDS
Understanding 3D printing and its applications in dentistry and endodontics
The use of digital tools in dentistry has rapidly evolved over the last decade. Software for viewing and interpretation of radiological and surface data have been available for a while now. Software tools that enable positional CBCT-based treatment planning have also been available for over 15 years. The chair-side availability of production tools and software to physically produce objects (like implant surgical guides) that are a result of a digital workflow has however been largely restricted to subtractive technologies like milling. Additive technologies like 3D printing have been available for a while but used to traditionally be expensive and impractical. That has changed significantly in the last 5 years and 3D printing is now accessible as an extremely economical chair-side technology. This presentation will focus on understanding in-practice 3D printing technology and its applications in dentistry and endodontics.
Robert E. Grover, DDS, CAGS Endodontics (Alternate Speaker)
Treatment of Compromised Teeth
Short Essay Presentations
Michael Trudeau, DDS
Trudeau's Resorption Classification for Clinicians
Historically, classifying systems for resorption have been insufficient to adequately guide the treating doctor and inform decision-making in the clinical management of resorption. Words like inflammatory and replacement as identifiers are less than ideal as all resorption is inflammatory and all resorption involves replacement. Identifiers using cervical when used to describe ECIR are not really accurate either and are really misleading as the resorption typically stems from the level of the crestal bone. For these reasons, based on more current models, I use a clinical model of classifying resorption, and subsequent management thereof.
Richard Young, DDS
Extreme Bonding
Extreme Bonding: Tooth structure is our most valuable restorative material. Saving it whenever possible is the best form of restorative treatment. This presentation will discuss protocols for fragment replacement of fractured teeth before Endodontic treatment.
Nate Lawson, DMD, PhD
Evidence for selective caries removal
This lecture will discuss the evidence for selective caries removal as well as provide clinical examples.
Rajiv G. Patel, BDS, DDS
Dental Trauma - Stretching the limits!
Management of dental trauma is a team sport, involving a coordinated multi-disciplinary approach to benefit our patients. Optimum and timely management becomes more critical when trauma involves growing individuals. This case-based presentation will cover a variety of scenarios such as lateral luxation, crown root fractures, intrusion, and avulsion in growing individuals. Preparation and a systematic checklist can reduce the incidence of complications resulting from inappropriate management.
Jeffrey B. Pafford, DMD, MS
Interdisciplinary Case Series: Endodontics As The Essential Discipline
Interdisciplinary care is the cornerstone of high-level treatment planning, and endodontists are often left out of the conversation. However, the endodontist brings a unique skill set and perspective to treatment planning, and on some occasions, endodontics can be the critical component of a complex treatment plan. In this case series, we will explore how the unique perspective of an endodontist can influence the course of interdisciplinary treatment.
Sashi Nallapati, B.D.S. Cert. Endo
Slow Orthodontic Extrusion
The role of endodontists in the rehabilitation of oral health of patients does not end with just endodontic diagnosis and treatment. Taking an active role in interdisciplinary treatment planning is critical, especially in the treatment of a compromised tooth. When tooth retention or tooth replacement is needed for periodontally involved teeth, teeth that underwent trauma, cracked teeth, restoratively compromised teeth in esthetic zones, it is important that an adjunct treatment modality like orthodontic extrusion is considered in the overall treatment plan.
Ali Mehrabian, DDS
How to get your assistant to appreciate endodontics through ergonomics
Have you ever been on the other side of the patient chair? Holding the high-volume suction, passing instruments? Ever wonder what it feels like? Well, this could be a very uncomfortable situation for most dentists as we are so accustomed to our roles in the dental office. In this presentation, I argue for the importance of thinking about what it feels like to be a dental assistant and the advantages of ergonomic training. Empathizing and asking questions can bring insight into dental assistants’ experiences, who are crucial to patient care, and more appreciation for your staff.
Robert E. Grover, DDS
Active Surveillance of Incidentalomas: A Viable Option?
An incidentaloma is “an unanticipated finding not related to the original diagnostic inquiry” – a screening finding. Incidental imaging findings associated with previously treated endodontically treated teeth have seemingly become ubiquitous with the increased usage of CBCT in dentistry. The majority of the prior treated teeth are asymptomatic and therefore tend to present a dilemma for both the patient and diagnostician. This presentation will focus on the prevalence of these findings, discuss the best evidence concerning the presence of disease, and address ways to manage these findings.
Ravi Koka, DDS, MS
Surgical root debridement
This talk is a brief update. This case presentation hopes to show that recalcitrant or failing endodontic cases may be failing not because of persistent contaminants within the root canal space but on the external root surface e.g: a biofilm. Traditionally, failing cases are apicoectomy but this talk will suggest that apicoectomy may be avoided as it is a destructive treatment protocol and that a less invasive option may be worth considering.
David Zaboski, Former Disney Animator
The Universal Laws of Creativity: How masterful creators turn thoughts into things with ease and grace.
In this entertaining “chalktalk,” Dave will share the Universal Laws of Creativity gleaned from decades of the world’s greatest creators tinkering with the tools and practices for powerfully turning a thought into a thing.