Pasquale Venuti, DDS
General Dentist, Private Practice
Mirabella Eclano, Italy
Mirabella Eclano, Italy
3:50 p.m.
Saturday, June 30, 2018
International Academy of Endodontics, Annual Meeting
The Scottsdale Princess
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
“Verti-Prep: back to the future"
The preparation of the abutment using horizontal finish lines (shoulder and chamfer) has been widely used in the last three or more decades and acknowledged by the academic world as the gold standard. The development of new materials and equipment, as well as a better comprehension of soft tissue biology, has allowed to “revive” the knife-edge finish line and the gingettage strategy (rotary curettage).The aims of the lecture are:
A- Demystifying the “hypothesis” of periodontal damage from vertical finish lines
B- Showing the biomechanical advantages of the vertical finish lines, especially in endodontically treated teeth
C- Introducing a completely new approach to designing and managing the vertical finish lines
Shoulderless and Edgeless Strategy
Gingettage (rotary currettage)
Drilling Strategies with non-cutting-end burs
Biomechanics of the abutment and Ferrule
Attendees will:
- Safe Drilling Strategy for getting vertical finish lines
- Creating an efficacious ferrule effect on the residual dental structure
- Approaching deep decayed margins (deep margin acquisition, deep margin extension, vertical edgeless approach)
No affiliations and No commercial interests
About the Presenter:
Dr. Pasquale Venuti received his DDS from the University of Naples “Federico II” cum laude in 1999. He is in full-time practice in Mirabella Eclano, Italy, as a general dentist since then. In cooperation with Dr. David Clark, Dr. John Khademi, and Dr. Marco Maiolino he has founded a group “Tomorrow Tooth”, whose goal is to share Outcome-Based and Patient-Centered Dentistry. He lectures internationally on a variety of topics related to restorative dentistry, endodontics, and prosthodontics