Sashi Nallapati, BDS

Private Practice
Kingston, Jamaica
“Endodontic Recalls; A Clinical Conundrum”
The most satisfying aspect of clinical endodontics is to see the long-term success of the treatment you performed on your patient. The only way a clinician can critically evaluate his or her clinical technique is by looking at the long-term outcome of the said technique. There shall be invaluable lessons to be learnt from these short, medium and long-term recalls. Recalls are also useful in connecting with your patients in a specialty where patients are usually seen only on a need to basis.
However, one may argue clinical techniques are constantly evolving, and how relevant are the recalls of a technique that may be different from your current clinical protocol? How do we interpret the findings in a meaningful manner that will enhance your clinical decision making process, refine your present clinical technique, and offer your patients clinical solutions that are backed by your long- term recalls. Does the current endodontic clinical outcome data help us make these critical analyses? How successful are we in performing this critical aspect of our clinical practice? Are our recalls mostly done on patients that return to have treatment on another tooth? How do we make more sense out of the data from these random recalls? Can we put in place techniques that will make endodontic recalls more predictable?


Attendees will learn:

  1. The significance of endodontic recalls in a clinical endodontic practice.
  2. Role of current clinical outcome data in the assessment of short, medium and long-term outcomes of our therapies?
  3. How to critically analyze the clinical recall data.
  4. Techniques that improve our recalls in our clinical practice.