Ralf Schuler, DR, MED, DENT, MS
Affiliate Associate Professor
Department of Periodontics
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
“Atraumatic Tooth Extraction and Extraction Socket Management”
Conventional approaches to tooth extraction often result in the loss of hard and soft tissue volume leading to esthetic and functional shortcomings. Recent surgical protocols and armamentaria have dramatically changed our approach to tooth extraction and alveolar ridge management. This course is designed for the dental practitioner who would like to further his/her knowledge of atraumatic tooth extraction techniques and learn about the principles of minimally invasive alveolar ridge preservation procedures, including immediate placement protocols.
Attendees will learn:
1. A review of socket anatomy, periodontal biotypes and how it relates to wound healing following extraction therapy.
2. The different extraction techniques/armamentaria for maximum bone preservation following tooth extraction.
3. To understand the relevance and limitation of ridge preservation techniques including the use of bone grafts and membrane application.