Why use a rubber dam? What about kit selection, clamps, dam,frame, forceps, etc. For simple application, single tooth molar,where do you punch hole? What size of hole do you punch? What is the effect of different clamps and hole sizes on efficiency and tissue retraction; on anterior sextant with no clamp? How do you evert dam properly and use floss ligatures? What to do when posterior quadrant with full arch is present? What to do with missing teeth? Clamping for preparations, use of brinkers and bending clamps, etc. will be discussed as well as the use of PTFE tape and adjuncts like Ora Seal, Blockout Liquidam, etc. Clamping bridges, crowns, broken down teeth, and how to isolate
those areas will be discussed along with cementation and why posts need it. What should the assistant be doing for you? This presentation will answer these questions.
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