Ali Fakhry, DMD

Associate Professor, McGill University
Academic Director of General Practice Residency Program
Director of Continuing Education
9:00 a.m.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
  International Academy of Endodontics, Annual Meeting
The Fairmont Hotel
Dallas, Texas
“Accelerated Orthodontic Extrusion”

Traumatic tooth fractures, dental caries, and overzealous tooth preparations can lead to the loss of coronal tooth structure complicating the definitive prosthetic plan. Although the exposure of additional clinical tooth structure by surgical crown lengthening is often required, this approach is usually discouraged because of the possible adverse periodontal, restorative and esthetic changes, especially in the presence of an otherwise intact arch. This presentation describes the clinical application of accelerated orthodontic extrusion followed by immediate surgical crown lengthening to conservatively restore teeth with minimal or no remaining coronal tooth structure.

Learning Points

  1. List the indications, advantages and disadvantages of accelerated orthodontic extrusion in restorative dentistry
  2. Discuss proper case selection and use of orthodontic and surgical armamentaria