Texas Sinus Center San Antonio, Texas
11:00 am
Saturday, February 1, 2014
International Academy of Endodontics, Annual Meeting
The Fairmont Hotel Dallas, Texas
“The Maxillary Sinus: Disease, Pathology, Radiology and Treatment”
The physiology and anatomy of the maxillary sinus will be discussed with emphasis on disease states that present as dental problems. Relevant CT imaging will be reviewed as will medical management of maxillary sinusitis. Attention will be paid to which patients can proceed with dental treatment and who may need a referral prior to treatment.
Attendees will learn:
1. The anatomy and physiology of the maxillary sinus as it relates to dentistry.
2. CT imaging of the maxillary sinus with regards to normal vs. disease vs. pathology and cancer.
3. Recent data regarding odontogenic sources of maxillary sinus disease.
4. Which patients can safely undergo dental procedures without ENT consultation vs. those that need ENT consultation.