Harald Heymann, DDS, MEd
Professor Dept. of Operative Dentistry
University of North Carolina School of Dentistry
Chapel Hill, NC
8:00 am
Saturday, February 2, 2013
International Academy of Endodontics, Annual Meeting
The Fairmont Hotel
Dallas, Texas
“Adhesive and Restorative Update for the Endodontist”
This presentation will separate fact from fiction regarding what works in adhesive and conservative restorative dentistry. Self- etching technologies are growing in popularity, but are self- etching adhesives really the answer? What about thermoplas- tic or sonic composite delivery systems? Is bulk-filling OK? Blue LEDs? How do you best eliminate dentin sensitivity? What clinical factors are critical to success? Get the FACTS based on research, not just opinion and hype.
Attendees will learn:
1. About dental adhesives: how to avoid mediocrity.
2. Composite placement techniques: Is bulk filling the way to go?
3. About dentin sensitivity: causes, prevention and treatment.
4. About light curing: Blue LEDs and ensuring optimal results.
Disclosure: Kerr Dental